Hi Waferians,
On 13th September 2017, we officially launched Wafer Messenger on the market. We have reached many important milestones in the course of this first year and we still have big news ahead of us.

Ever since Wafer Messenger was just an idea in its early stages, our main concern has been to boost creativity and complete freedom in messaging for you, the users.
We did not only want Wafer Messenger users to be target players, we wanted them to be the rulers of their own communications. This basically meant that they should have the capability to shape their conversations in unique and personal ways, without restrictions.
In order to achieve endless creativity, we at Wafer Messenger have relied on multi-layering, which is the capability to effortlessly layer different types of media into a single message. As a matter of fact, the very name of the app re-invokes a famous biscuit which is made out of overlapping layers of dough and creme: the Wafer.
We have been working relentlessly to make Wafer Messenger the only app to both have creativity as a core value and enable its users to chat with anyone, even if the others don’t have Wafer Messenger installed on their smartphones yet.
Among the achievements which made us the proudest this first year of life is our very public commitment to privacy and transparency in our approach to handling data.
2018 so far has, indeed, been quite challenging for messaging apps and social media out there - we probably don’t need to remind you about the Cambridge Analytica scandal or the GDPR hearings, do we?
At Wafer Messenger things have been straight forward, because we have been advocating for the user’s right for privacy first. We didn’t need this or any other scandal to help us find a moral compass. When you put the user first, it is only obvious that you put respect for users’ private data somewhere very high up there.
At the beginning of 2018, we redesigned our logo to be in the shape of a crown. Our new logo choice was designed to make clear what Wafer Messenger stands for in these times of growing mistrust for social media and messaging platforms. The focus, the crown, should be on the users. On Wafer Messenger it’s the users who have absolute power in terms of creativity, reach and privacy.

In just one year, Wafer Messenger has gone quite a long distance. Our team has grown from 4 full-time employees to 11. In addition, we were also grateful for having had 3 interns rotate within the company over the past 12 months.
Now, hundreds of thousands of Waferians all over the world regularly use Wafer Messenger as their communication platform of choice.
We thank all those who believed that a revolution in personal communications was possible, and those who constantly support us day after day. It is thanks to you all that the coexistence of endless creativity, limitless reach and absolute privacy is no longer sci-fi.
Team Wafer