This day, March 13, 2018, marks the first official 6 months of live operations for Wafer Messenger. We could not be more proud of the results we got so far, and - perhaps more importantly - we could not be more excited for what is yet to come!
Wafer has been downloaded over 600,000 times and, as a consequence, we now have over 40 million contact phone numbers securely stored in our database. Here lays the power of Wafer: by installing the app, our users can reach 100% of their contacts and friends, even if those are not on Wafer (yet)! That means that today, the potential reach of all Wafer Messenger users combined is 40 million people!
However we can't forget that we are still an early stage startup with an early stage platform. Therefore in the coming weeks, we are going to focus on bringing greater stability to the app and overall architecture; we are also going to add some structural features to stimulate "virality" so that all Wafer users will more easily be able to regularly take advantage of the immense power of their potential reach.