Our CEO Simone La Torre answered some questions for the French startup blog Creation-Entreprise!
You can find the article here and the English translation below.
Special thanks goes to Etienne for interviewing us!
Could you present your startup in 50 words?
Wafer Messenger combines “Endless Creativity”, “Limitless Reach” and “Absolute Privacy”. With Wafer you can:
- mix up to 6 types of media in one single message;
- reach all your contacts. Even those not on Wafer yet!
- be sure that we will not mine your data or push ads!
What is your business model?
Let me first tell you how we are not going to make money; Wafer’s business model is symbolized by company’s logo: the crown represents the importance Wafer attributes to its users; the user rules within the app at all times. By implementing the 3 pillars described above Wafer aims to offer value to the user, while closing the gap between digital and face-to-face communications. In other words, we will not be making money off our users through data mining or by pushing ads. The monetization aspect will come from the B2B deals and company partnerships that Wafer is going to establish.
Who are you targeting? Who are your clients?
As I previously mentioned, Wafer doesn’t see its users as clients but rather as partners. That being said, Wafer’s main target audience are smartphone owners between 16 and 34 years of age; creative minds who want to be connected and hate being exploited. The app however, is incredibly intuitive to use, and it can suit a wider age-range as we have seen in markets like Brazil.
What does entrepreneurship mean for you?
Entrepreneurship to me means looking at what the world has to offer, finding yourself dissatisfied by at least one tiny aspect of it, and deciding to improve it. It means taking one of those many ideas that you’ve always had and start acting upon it. It means to be able to inspire other people and to trust them when they choose to join you along the journey. And in truth, it also means being completely insane and taking a guaranteed risk, in the mild hope for a potential reward at the end.
What is the key to becoming a successful entrepreneur?
There is only one key feature: working with a great team, in terms of co-founders, employees, and investors! I truly cannot think of anything more important than the people I have around me. I have always been told that success is a matter of how good a business idea is, how professionally you execute upon the strategy, how well you communicate about your service, or how the public perceives your product. Well, none of that is even remotely possible if the team is not the right one. And, in entrepreneurship, being the “right one” means being the “very best”.
How do you see Wafer in 5 years from now?
I see Wafer being at the point where it is the most used and most vibrant communication ecosystem on the planet, fully built around its users' interests. In 5 years I see our users being happy, proud and satisfied using Wafer, while contributing first-hand to the creation of its most innovative features. Finally, I see the Waferians (our employees) as a solid team known for being the best squad in tech and operations out there.
To round things up, what is your favorite quote and why?
The one single sentence that gives me the courage to sleep at night: “YOU NEVER FAIL. YOU EITHER SUCCEED, OR YOU LEARN”. This basic, but profound consideration allows me to put everything into perspective, reminding me that there is no risk in taking any decision, be it small or big, thus allowing me to take the “stress/fear” parameter out of the equation.